Video: #M4BW Dove Does it Again
Toxic Influence: A Dove Film – Dove Self-Esteem Project (3:48). Good tie-ins with Chapters 1 (#M4BW), 3 (mission statement), 4 (positioning) and C19 (#M4BW).
YouTube Description: “???? You wouldn’t give your daughter toxic beauty advice, but she could be hearing it online. Every. Single. Day. ✨New ✨ Dove Self-Esteem Project research found that 1 in 2 girls say toxic beauty advice on social media causes low self-esteem.* ⚠️ This needs to change. In Toxic Influence, our new short film, mothers and their daughters confront toxic beauty advice on social media and how it’s become normalized for many girls around the world ???? Join the Dove Self-Esteem Project movement. #DetoxYourFeed and empower the young people in your life to turn their feeds into a positive space. Let’s take action against toxic beauty advice on social media so that they can define beauty on their own terms and reach their full potential ???? Another powerful Dove video campaign.”