Our Book

The eighteenth edition of Essentials of Marketing (published in February 2023) builds on the pioneering work of our co-author, the late Jerry McCarthy, who popularized the 4 Ps framework for teaching a managerial approach to marketing. First, Bill Perreault, and later Joe Cannon, have carried on this tradition. Our principles of marketing textbook and its accompanying teaching and learning package are the best in the business (we think).
What is different about our book?
- It examines what marketing is and how to do it,
- We integrate special topics such as services, international marketing, big data, social media, ethics, and more across the text—with coverage in almost every chapter,
- We provide a supplements package completely developed or closely managed by the authors—so each part connects with the text.
What’s New in this (and the previous) edition of Essentials of Marketing?
- Currency. Our instructors value current thinking that reflects the latest in marketing theory and practice. We keep up and integrate the latest thinking in academic journals and the popular press. Our students appreciate current examples from companies they know. We have hundreds of updated concepts, examples, and images.
- Beyond that, the last couple of editions we have focused our attention on topic areas that are integrated across all the chapters in the Essentials of Marketing teaching and learning package:
- purpose orientation
- diversity, equity and inclusion,
- images and exhibits as teaching tools,
- marketing anatlytics
- an emphasis on active learning
If you want more information, click through to the book’s information page, check out our emag, contact your McGraw-Hill sales rep or drop Joe Cannon an email.