
We are Joe Cannon and Bill Perreault – marketing professors and authors of the Essentials of Marketing text book published by McGraw Hill.

We created our Teach the 4Ps blog for instructors  teaching the introductory marketing course.  We know that our students like when we bring current topics and “ripped from the headlines” examples into the classroom.  This helps our students see marketing in their every day life.  Through Teach the 4 Ps we share  examples we run across in our reading and add our own thoughts about how they might be used in the marketing class.  Of course one of the wonderful attributes about a blog is that it allows readers of the blog to contribute to the content – that is what makes the blog even better.  So we hope you will add your comments and ideas.

If you have never used a blog, here is a brief introduction.  We will post links to articles with our brief comments — typically once or twice a week.

  • Visit the page when you are preparing class.  You can click on a particular Category and find all posts related to that category — in inverse chronological order. So for example, if you are teaching organizational buying, click on “B2B” or “Chapter 6.” Skim through the list and link to articles or videos you think might be useful in your teaching.
  • Finally, get involved.  Link on the Comments and provide direct feedback on particular posts.  Let us know what you think, how you used a particular example, or let us know of another great example you have used.  By working together we can make this site more useful for everyone.